
Downtown KBH, near the parliament building.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Enter: T-Shirts and Shorts

I returned from a long day of travels late last night. It was phase two of my spring break, spent in a completely different world than the first half. I was in Perugia, Italy with my old friend Shannon this past week, and I spent some time in the life of a study abroader in Italy. The days were framed by no schedules, lit by cloudless skies, and filled with pizza, gellato, wine, and much laughter. Perugia was a beautiful little town, two hours north of Rome, where I flew in. Shannon went way out of her way to pick me up at the airport, were we spent the night in a hostel.  A quick trip to the colleseum in Rome, as quick as such an experience can be, and then we were on our way by train to Perugia. Shannon lives in a stone apartment or town home type residence, so it made visiting a easy arrangement.
Shannon emphasizing the size of the colleseum.

A little park in Perugia we layed around in for a couple hours.

The days there were truley spring break, if I ever had one. I felt the first true warth of the sun in months, each day was in the high 70s. I even managed a little sunburn, a required token of spring break regardless of where in the world you are. The food was spectacular, as can be imagined. Most notably, is Tuesday night's meal. We went out to an "underground" restaurant, where we had a five course meal that lasted from 9 pm until almost midnight. Probably the best food I have ever had, consisting of a mix of bruschettas, shrimp pesto farfalle, italian sausage, fried mozzarrella, and tiramisu. I'm not exagerrating when I say it was delicious, and I'm not sure where else my food experiences could get any better. In addition to this, I ate gellatto and pizza on multiple occassions, of which are completely different than anything I've had in the states.
Lunch my first day.
I had a chance my last night there to attend Shannon's creative writing class' public readings at a bar. All of the pieces had to do with Perugia and studying abroad, and there were many a tear shed at the thought of going home. It made me that much more excited about still being out here, abroad, living in Denmark, something I may very well never do again. I have just under a month left of this unique time in my life, and I plan on savoring it. Today was a good start to that, as I sat around in the green lawn of my hojeskole all afternoon, enjoying my life with people from all over the world. My biggest stress being what time dinner is. Grill outs and eating outside are becoming standard each night. As I walked to the cornor store this evening to grab a beer for tonight's bonfire, there was not one house I passed that didn't have it's resident families sitting on porches or the front yard, enjoying the fading sunlight. Savor this I will.

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