People are out and about here in Denmark. Within the last 10 days the weather has done a complete turn around, and it would seem that spring is indeed here. At first I was hesitant to say this, as it was sure to raise false hope. However, I think we can finally start to expect sunny days and lighter jackets on a daily basis. Lately, the sun has been out most of each day and the daily temp ranges have been high/lows of 45/32 F. The daylight savings time shift just occurred today, so the sun is up much later than usual. Soon dinner will seem like it's in the middle of the day, and it won't feel acceptable to lounge by the fire after eating until bed anymore.
This past Thursday my good friend Shannon arrived from Perugia, Italy. She is currently studying abroad as well, and we made plans to visit each other while living on opposite ends of the European continent. We spent a day in my town of Helsingor, and also checked out Helsingborg, Sweden. She was pumped to be able to check two countries off the list with one plane ticket. We then spent yesterday in Copenhagen, under blue skies and among many bustling people. It was the most crowded I have yet to see Copenhagen, Stroget, the walking street, was packed with shoppers and travellers of all sorts. We made it back to the Hojeskole for dinner, and then returned to the city to experience some of the night life. I took her to one of my favorite bars, "Den Glade Gris", or "The Happy Pig" in english. We found a table in the back, sat and people watched, talked about good times past, as well as our adventures abroad. Eventually a band began to assemble, four guys on instruements and an incredible female lead singer. They played cover after cover of American rock, alternative, hip hop and even pop songs, adding a little of thier own character to each. Of the bands I have heard here in DK, they all play mostly American music, which I still find so funny. They introduce themselves and talk to the crowd in Danish, and then burst out with perfect english in their songs. Really odd at first, but neat. Shannon left this morning after we went to mosey around Copenhagen a little more before her flight. It has really meant a lot to have both Mike and Shannon visit me this semester, and I know that there are others that would do the same if they could.
This next week is going to be very busy academics wise, I'm going to have to tighten my belt and stay focused. Once I survive that, I have a hiking and canoeing trip to the Swedish backcountry next weekend to reward myself with. Life is good, cheers to all.