
Downtown KBH, near the parliament building.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A Sunday at Kronborg Castle

This past weekend my fellow study abroaders and I were able to creep out of our cozy quarters, and begin to explore our own town of Helsingør.  After spending the week around Copenhagen and adjusting to new time zones and classes, the only time we had at home was spent eating or sleeping.  Luckily, the first of many weekend excursions hosted by DIS was to Kronborg Castle, in Helsingør (where we're are located, an hour outside Copenhagen).  So after a great brunch, a few of us wandered into town and made our way to Kronborg, the Danish fortress made famous by Shakespeare, as this castle served as the inspiration and setting of some piece called 'Hamlet', who knew? Within 100m of the water and defended by a mote and drawbridge, the beautiful castle sits as a sturdy testament to the archaic history of northern Europe. Satelite view of Kronborg. I took many pictures as I meandered through the museum inside the castle walls, and then trotted along the rocky shoreline. Helsingbørg sits just across the sound on the Swedish shore. It's incredible to think that people have been living and dying on the ground beneath my feet for over 1000 years, living out daily dramas just as real and challenging as any of ours. Life really must be too short.
 The wind never ceased and the damp cold was eventually felt by us all, so we figured it would be vital to stop at a local bakery and coffee shop before heading home. Some afternoon it was!

1 comment:

  1. Yay, that was a fun weekend. I'm actually sitting right next to you, as I'm writing you this comment. How odd, right?
